Keeping a writing journal is not a practice reserved for adolescents scribbling about their latest crush or venting about a tumultuous school day. Far from that, it is an influential tool for introspection, self-analysis, and writing your next successful title, regardless of your circumstances. When you design your destiny, circumstances don’t matter.
Dare to dream, for in the daring there is defiance to live beyond your circumstances
Su Williams, Dream Weaver
Imagine ending each day by pouring out your thoughts and experiences onto the pages of a journal. You jot down the day’s successes and struggles, the decisions you made, the people you encountered, and the emotions you felt. You ponder over what went well and what could have been better. You reflect on your actions and behaviours, scrutinising them under the magnifying glass of introspection.
Keeping a writing journal is like having a conversation with your past self and re-editing the bits you left out as a first draft. It’s an opportunity to step back from the hustle and bustle of daily life and to view your day from a different perspective. It’s a chance to understand your actions and decisions, to celebrate your achievements, and to learn from your mistakes.
Beyond the reflection of the day’s events, your journal also becomes a space to project your aspirations for the future. What do you aim to accomplish tomorrow? Could you be intentional about your lifestyle? What changes do you hope to implement? These musings not only clarify your goals but also set the tone for the next day, providing a clear roadmap for your actions and decisions.
Over time, as the pages of your journal fill up with your daily reflections and aspirations, you’ll begin to notice patterns. These could be recurring challenges, habits that bolster your productivity, or behaviours that seem to hamper your progress. Recognizing these patterns is the first step towards self-improvement. It equips you with the knowledge you need to reinforce beneficial habits and to rectify detrimental ones, ultimately allowing you to enhance your everyday work and personal life.
In essence, keeping a writing journal is like having a personal coach who is available round the clock. It encourages to be intentional and make time for writing, fosters self-awareness, and removes your author’s blocks. So, don’t underestimate the power of this humble tool. Start documenting your journey, and witness the transformative power of keeping a writing journal.

Harnessing Inspiration despite adverse circumstances: Email Yourself
Inspiration is a curious thing. It can strike anywhere, anytime – while you’re on a morning run, during a long commute, or even in the midst of a meeting. These flashes of creativity are precious, often leading to brilliant ideas and unique insights. However, if not captured promptly, they risk fading away into the oblivion of forgotten thoughts. So, how can you seize these moments of inspiration, especially when you’re away from your desk? The answer could be as simple as sending yourself an email.
In this age of smartphones, most of us have our emails readily accessible at our fingertips. This makes emailing an efficient and convenient method to record and preserve your spontaneous ideas. Here’s how you can utilise this practice:
Capture the Essence
When an idea pops into your head, quickly pull out your phone and draft an email to yourself. It doesn’t have to be a detailed explanation or a well-articulated thought. The goal here is to capture the essence of the idea, the core insight that sparked your interest. This could be a single line, a question, a visual image, or even a keyword. The idea is to jot down enough information that will jog your memory later when you revisit the idea.
Subject Line is Key
Make your subject line descriptive. This will make it easier for you to find the email later and will also give you an instant reminder of the idea. For example, if you’re writing a novel and a new plot twist comes to mind, your subject line could be “Novel – New Plot Twist Idea”.
Expand and Refine Later
Once you’re back at your desk, pull up the email and revisit the idea. Now is the time to expand on it, to explore its potential, and to refine it further. You can add more details, ask yourself questions, consider its implications, or even sketch out how it fits into your larger project.
Organise Your Ideas
Over time, you might find your inbox filling up with such idea-laden emails. To keep things organised, create a special folder or label in your email for these messages. This will help you keep track of your ideas and will also make it easier to review them later.
Emailing yourself is a simple yet effective way to harness your spontaneous inspirations. It ensures that your brilliant ideas don’t evaporate into thin air, but instead get recorded and stored for future exploration. So, the next time inspiration strikes when you’re away from your desk, just whip out your phone, draft a quick email to yourself, and rest assured that your idea has been safely captured.
Embracing Digital Helpers: Free Tools to Enhance Your Writing Journey
In this digital age, there are many tools and resources to help your writing process. Many of these are free, user-friendly, and accessible from various devices, making it easier than ever to plan, compose, edit, and share your work. From audio apps that capture your spontaneous thoughts to writing apps that help streamline your writing process, here are some digital aids you might find useful.
Audio Apps
Have you ever had a brilliant idea strike you in the midst of a busy day, only to lose it later because you didn’t have the time or the means to jot it down? Audio apps can be a lifesaver in such situations. Apps like Descript, Rev Voice Recorder, and Evernote offer a handy voice-to-text feature, allowing you to record your thoughts and ideas as audio notes, which are then transcribed into text. This can be particularly useful when you’re on the go, allowing you to capture fleeting inspirations, jot down story ideas, or document interesting conversations.
Writing Apps
Writing apps can significantly enhance your writing process, offering features like distraction-free writing environments, grammar and style checkers, and organizational tools for your notes and drafts. Google Docs is a popular choice, offering real-time collaboration, automatic saving, and easy accessibility from any device. Microsoft OneNote and Evernote are excellent for organizing your research, notes, and drafts in one place, while apps like Grammarly can help with grammar and style checking. For a more focused writing environment, apps like FocusWriter and WriteMonkey offer minimalist, distraction-free writing spaces.
Planning and Productivity Apps
Planning your writing time is as crucial as the writing itself. Thankfully, there are several free apps to help you manage your time effectively. Google Calendar can be a great tool for scheduling your writing sessions, while apps like Trello and Asana can help you manage your writing projects, allowing you to break them down into tasks and subtasks, set deadlines, and track your progress. If you’re a fan of the Pomodoro Technique (working for a set amount of time, followed by a short break), apps like TomatoTimer or Forest can help you implement this method.
Remember, the most essential part of writing is the act itself. While these digital aids can enhance your process, they’re not a replacement for the commitment, creativity, and passion that writing demands. So, feel free to explore these tools, find what works best for you, and let them aid you in your journey of crafting a feast for the soul with your words.
The Healing Power of Words: Is Journaling a Writing Therapy?
Writing therapy, also known as therapeutic writing, is a practice that leverages the power of written words for healing, self-awareness, and personal transformation. While it shares some similarities with keeping a journal or diary, it differs in several significant ways. Here, we’ll explore three key differences as identified by Farooqui (2016).
1. Directed vs. Free-Form Writing
The act of writing in a diary or journal is usually free-form, where the writer freely jots down whatever comes to mind. It’s a spontaneous and unstructured process, driven by the writer’s whims and moods. Writing therapy, on the other hand, is typically more directed and structured. It’s often based on specific prompts or exercises that guide the writer’s focus and thought process. These prompts are usually provided by a mental health professional or a trained facilitator. This focused approach in writing therapy is designed to facilitate deeper self-exploration, encourage emotional processing, and promote therapeutic change.
2. Recording vs. Analysing
Diary or journal writing often focuses on recording daily events, observations, and experiences as they occur. It’s like a personal chronicle of the writer’s life. Writing therapy, however, goes a step further. It not only records but also involves more meta-analytical processes. This means the writer is encouraged to think about, interact with, and analyse the events, thoughts, and feelings they write down. The purpose is to gain insights, understand patterns, confront fears, and resolve inner conflicts. This reflective and analytical aspect of writing therapy is what makes it a potent tool for personal growth and emotional healing.
3. Personal vs. Professional Guidance
Keeping a diary or journal is an inherently personal and individual experience. It’s a solitary act of self-expression, done in privacy and at the writer’s own pace. Journal therapy, however, is generally guided and overseen by a licensed mental health professional. While the writing is still a personal process, the presence of a professional provides a safe and supportive environment for the writer to explore their thoughts and feelings. The therapist can provide constructive feedback, facilitate meaningful discussion, and help the writer navigate their emotional journey.
In essence, while both journal writing and writing therapy involve the act of putting thoughts and feelings into words, it’s the structure, analysis, and professional guidance that set writing therapy apart. It’s a powerful therapeutic tool that can help individuals process their experiences, manage their emotions, and enhance their mental well-being.